According to the latest Pew Internet & American Life report “Home Broadband 2010“, “One in five American adults (21%) do not use the internet or email from any location, and a majority of these non-users have little exposure to the online world.” The reasons given for non-access range from the expense of access, to difficulty of use to the even broader lack of relevance to their world.
As we all know, 20% of Americans is a significant share of any market in general, but are they your market? Take the time and effort to look at your customers and your competition’s customers. Do your customers use the phone, email or walk-in visits as your primary contact? Are you located in a semi-rural location?
While you may be more comfortable in the online space, and feel that being online is being connected, your customers may not be there. Consider maintaining some physical presence such as a public mailing address or office address to reassure your more nervous customers. Maintain a public phone number that is advertised in a medium that is discoverable by the internet-averse. It may seem like a safe time to jump onto the internet and out of the physical space but can your customers find you? Knowing your customer is the most important part of knowing your business.