With all the seminar’s, conferences and networking events you feel compelled to attend as a small business owner, remembering names can be a task in and of itself. Yeah, you could collect business cards from people to add to the mountain of business cards you already have (and never look at).
OR you could use the NameCatcher Biz iPhone App that allows you to not only quickly jot down a name, but assign names to categories and add little facts/details about the person. NameCatcher Biz displays those categories and hints about people you meet so you are constantly reminded. Glancing at your master list of names can help you make that visual connection about each person.
Additional features include:
Photo tool – snap an image and assign it to your names
GPS feature – shake your phone to pull up a list of people you’ve met at a particular location
Contact List Sync – Sync your names, categories, and details about a name with your phone’s contact list.
Every person has their own unique way of using memory tools. NameCatcher Biz was built to allow you to search how you want. If you want more details about a person, NameCatcher Biz has “additional info” fields to allow you to add more. Some of us want the bare bones…others want more visuals, more hints and even location reminders. The app can find the name you need in a blink, using it in whatever way works best for you.
NameCatcher Biz is $0.99 in the iTunes App Store (OS 3.0 and up)