I’ve been touting Dropbox as THE go-to cloud storage service for quite some time now. It’s available on a wide variety of devices, and many mobile apps integrate with it. But, there is something about free that gets my ears to perk up. Case and point, Box.net, a direct Dropbox competitor is offering anyone with an LG Android smartphone 50GB of free space for life.
Box offered a similar promotion for iOS devices and Robin Daniels, market strategist at Box stated that more than 1 million people signed up for the deal. So it only makes sense to try the same strategy with other platforms as well. In order to get 50 Gigs of space over on Dropbox, you will either have to do some serious referring others to download, or pay $10 bucks a month.
In order to qualify for this new promotion, your LG Android device will need to run OS 2.1 or later and have a screen resolution of 320×480 or higher. Then login or create a Box account and link your LG device before March 31st, 2012 and you’re set.
Box is serious about stealing some of Dropbox’s shine and according to the latest blog entry, look forward to Box putting its ‘free cloud storage’ where its mouth is and offering more promotions like this in the near future.