#Blogalicious12 Q&A With Mario: Can You Make Money With AdSense?

blogalicious 2012 avatarThis Q & A series is a continuation of Mario Armstrong’s presentation at the Blogalicious Conference, a leading industry event celebrating diversity in social media. You can see highlights from his presentation & submit your own questions here. 

Question: About earning revenue for your blog, what are your thoughts about Google’s AdSense for blogger, where ads are placed on your blog based on text and content related to the advertiser?

One nice thing about AdSense for Blogger is that they’re both Google products, which means it’s super easy to implement, so that’s good. The bad news is that for most of us, it’s never going to bring in the kind of money that sustains a business. It’s harsh but it’s true.

Google AdSense LogoIt’s really hard to predict how well AdSense will perform for you. The Pay-Per-Click Google offers varies based on a lot of things, like how much traffic you get, the keywords users searched, competition between advertisers and much more. For every ad click, you could receive anywhere from a penny to several dollars, but that number tends to be low, especially as you start out.

A couple of other things to remember if you do decide to use AdSense. First, be respectful of your reader’s eyeballs: don’t go overboard with ads, and make sure your actual content is still easy to read. Second, AdSense basically uses a “match-up” between advertisers and search to deliver ads, so it’s extra important you’re doing your best with SEO.

Bottom line: there’s no real harm in using AdSense unless it’s taking up site real estate that could be put to better use, like making you more money. But to really turn your blog into a business, you’re going to need to come up with more revenue-generating strategies beyond just AdSense.

Questions on my Blogalicious 2012 talk? Need advice on how to move from free to fee? Ask away!

Whether you were at the Blogalicious 2012 conference this past weekend in Las Vegas, or you’ve taken a look at the slides from my keynote presentation, you probably have a lot of questions about how you can start thinking about yourself not just as a blogger but a media company and start making the transition from free to fee!

Well, I’m here to offer my help and experience in any way I can! I’ve set up a form on Google Docs that will let you ask me anything you need help with. Are you attempting my 21 day challenge and need some guidance along the way? Having trouble booking speaking engagements? Struggling to figure out how to generate revenue with your website? Go ahead and fill out the form to ask me a question!

From Free to Fee: Turning Your Passion into a Business (Blogalicious 2012 Presentation)

UPDATE: Do you have questions on my Blogalicious 2012 talk? Are you taking the 21 day challenge and need some pointers or help? I’ll be answering all of your questions and offering my services over at Small Biz Go Mobile!

At the Blogalicious conference in Las Vegas this past weekend, I had the pleasure of presenting on the topic of turning your passion into a business. In the interest of trying to get my message to as many people as possible, I’m sharing those slides here for you to peruse.

Blogging isn’t easy, and making money doing it is tough. The best way to do it is to not think of yourself simply as a blogger. You have to start thinking about yourself as a media company.

It wasn’t an easy ride to where I am know, which is to say able to pay the bills running a website and producing content for the web and television. In fact, it took years of struggle—at one point, I had was juggling a negative checking account balance with the responsibilities of raising a family!

As I’ve said for a while,

You Work 9a-5p. You make history from 5p-9am
Mario Armstrong

Find your inner kid, trampoline your dreamsMaybe blogging or producing web videos is your second, unpaid job right now. Something you handle outside of normal work hours, on your own time. But if you can focusing on turning yourself into a media company, making the right deals, working with the right partners, and always struggling to produce the best content you can, someday you too will find a way to turn your passion into a business.

I’ve got a ton more tips packed into the slideshow I’ve embedded above. You can also check it out directly on Slideshare.com.