Using Your iPad as a Point-of-Sale Device

The iPad isn’t just in the business of generating revenue for Apple; in many modern small businesses it’s now tracking revenue as well. The super-popular tablet has been appointed (with increasing frequency) to help at the checkout counter and point-of-sale stations in restaurants and retail locations around the world.  Several different vendors offer iOS software which supports order management, payment processing, reporting and remote management.

One of the earliest products to this market was Square software (which also works on the iPhone) and features a custom wooden swivel case – a model of form and function.  Meanwhile, in the midst of busy Grand Central Terminal in New York, Joe coffee uses a discreetly shielded iPad which runs ShopKeep to track inventory and ring up sales. Grand Central is a busy place, and the setup seems to handle the high volume quite well. According to ShopKeep, similar setups are also used in several other Joe and Steve’s Ice Cream area locations.

In Sausalito CA, Lappert’s Fish & Chips uses a Revel Systems Point of Sale terminal to power their checkout. This high-tech setup sports the latest in Brinks style aesthetics, comes with an optional produce scale, and supports multiple payment systems. Table management versions are available, and the ever popular remote-management capability gives managers peace of mind.

In Okinawa, Japan, Global Network Systems offers the FLAVIUS system, which combines the register, customer counter and point-of-purchase stations.  Through FLAVIUS, businesses can use iOS devices like the iPhone or iPod Touch and WiFi to function in place of the traditional point-of-purchase setup. The software also includes integrated attendance management and reporting functions, while politely hiding the cash drawer.

It’s clear that the power of commerce has arrived in the palm of our hands, and the tyranny of expensive point of sale systems is coming to an end…which is great news to small business owners everywhere!