Last month, a viral video created by mobile payments processor VeriFone tried to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) about startup Square’s free device that allows small businesses and entrepreneurs to take credit card payments from their iPhones and iPads. The claim was that customer’s credit card data was being transferred unencrypted to the device, giving shady merchants the ability to steal your credit card information. Square took this accusation in stride, pointing out that anyone you hand your credit card to already has access to this information. This month, however, those fears have largely been laid to rest.
Two weeks ago, Apple announced that they would be selling Square’s credit card readers in their retail stores for $9.99, taking the device off of the internet and straight to consumers. This was a huge boost to the device’s credibility, as an endorsement from Apple is a big deal.
Now, in what could turn out to be the ultimate game changer for Square, Visa has announced that they’re making a strategic investment in the company. If there were lingering fears about the safety of customer’s credit card data with the device, surely Visa’s stamp of approval will convince consumers to embrace mobile payment devices.