Your Weekly Small Biz Tips from

We are pleased to work with Ramon Ray, CEO and editor of, journalist, and technology evangelist, to bring you new Small Biz tips. Each week they’ll be sharing videos and articles featuring hot topics, products and trends in small business.

5 Best Mobile Commerce Practices for Small Biz

Businesses that are online need to think about mobile, since the lines and platforms are becoming very blurred. Understanding mobility, and getting mobile marketing to work to your advantage can be tricky. As more and more people begin to make purchases “on-the-go” via mobile devices, the pressure increases for businesses to create some sort of app or mobile site. Tealeaf, a customer experience management firm, provides five of the best mobile practices for small retailers.

Email Is Great But Often Stifles Communication: Video Conference Can Help

Our virtual team is spread across the world, with editorial support in St. Louis, web development in Philippines and I could go on. While email is great, at times I wish I could see my team or even pick up the phone (or use Vonage’s neat app for International phone calls) and  hear their voice – even better would be a video conference solution. Read more at

Tablets vs. Notebooks: Which is Better for Your Biz?

With the inception of the iPad back in April 2010 and the introduction of the iPad2 in the first quarter of 2011, the argument “Tablets vs. Notebooks” has reached new heights. With recent upgrades to the capabilities of a tablet and the introduction of newer models by the competitors of Apple, it is becoming more and more confusing for small businesses in choosing either to stick with the notebook or to switch to a tablet.

The solution to this confusion lies on the type of business you are running. Here are some factors small businesses should consider when making a decision.