How to delete a Facebook account!

Many people on my radio show and email have expressed privacy concerns with many social media sites. I have concerns with them as well especially the location-based sharing sites (i.e. FourSquare, Gowalla, Loopt et…) I love the sites and what they can do, I just see too many people not exercising the privacy features and posting whereabouts publicly and that concerns me, especially because the info could be used by stalkers. But lately those concerns have been more focused around Facebook due to its more recent changes. This post isn’t to pick on Facebook, in fact I use Facebook quite a bit and certainly think it can play a valuable role in our digital lives.

However, recently I have too many emails asking me on how to delete an account from Facebook and I can see why. Facebook makes it very easy for you to “deactivate” your account which hides your info but it doesn’t delete it. For those who are really looking to delete their account here are some solid steps!

My advice would be to deactivate before you permanently delete unless of course that’s really want you want to do.