A little while ago I had the pleasure of presenting a $1,000 donation to a local school thanks to AT&T’s My Business Cares #ItCanWait campaign. I also got to personally thank the small business owner that made it possible! Plus we did an assembly at the winning school, Heritage Classical Christian Academy in Missouri, to educate students about how dangerous distracted driving really is.
The campaign is still going on, so keep reading to find out how a school you care about can win $1,000.
The school won as part of AT&T’s My Business Cares campaign. The idea is that when a small business takes the #ItCanWait pledge not to text and drive, they can also nominate a school for a $1,000 donation and an assembly to educate kids about why not texting and driving is so important.
In this case, one of the moms at the school, Linda Brinkley, also has a small business called Exclamation Hair Studio. She made sure the business would support not texting while driving and then signed up Heritage Academy to win the $1,000.
If you have a small business, please consider signing up for the My Business Cares campaign! Not texting while driving is a no-brainer for safety we should all encourage, plus it’s a great opportunity to support a school you care about.
And if you’re a parent who doesn’t have a small business, reach out to your community to see if there’s a business that will get involved! It’s a great way to win a little extra cash for your child’s school, plus give kids the opportunity to hear more about why not texting while driving is so important. Teenage drivers are at risk anyway – the LAST thing they should be doing is driving while texting!
Here’s the link to enter the My Business Cares giveaway.
If you’d like to see more from the assembly and more of my thoughts about why the campaign is so important, here’s a quick YouTube video from the winning school in Missouri.