QR CODE watch & t-shirts to spread your message

QR codes are continuing to build alot of buzz. However, I am concerned that too many organizations are just slapping them on products and in-store signage without really thinking through their QR Code strategy. I’ve seen these codes send people to basic web pages not specific landing pages. I’ve even seen a qr code on a tv ad, seriously? I’ll never have enough time to scan that! For those who don’t know, these are simple barcodes that you can make easily for free online and then place anywhere. The codes can be scanned by mobile phones with free scanning apps. When a code is scanned it then initiates the action you programmed the code to deliver. You can do all sorts of things like send people to a specific web page, send them a text message, have them view a video etc…

Here’s my spin on QR codes, I had these t-shirts made way before people were used to seeing these codes, but now having worn it recently I’ve been scanned a few times and more and more people get it! Now, I’m not telling where my QR Coded shirts take you but let’s just say if you see me with this one, get to scanning because I hook you up with free gadgets and prizes :-) check my event calendar & catch me in the street – LOL!

My latest fun with QR codes is creating a QR code watch face – LOL. I know my boy BrothaTech also has his QR bling, a necklace.