You can officially call the early 2000’s the age of the cloud computing wars. Traditionally, cloud computing and cloud storage were something everyday average small business owners and consumers alike didn’t need to get involved in. Now, you will hard pressed to imagine a world where we all are not affected by, or don’t have some instance of our lives in, the cloud.
As as result, cloud storage services are duking it out to be the household name when people think of cloud computing. Case and point, computer company Levono has announced its Levono Cloud Storage, built by SugarSync that will be shipping the service with ThinkPad and IdeaPad laptops and Android tablets.
Starting in April, Lenovo Cloud Storage gives users a free 5GB account to instantly auto-sync, their files, photos, videos and music to the Cloud from their Lenovo PC, tablet or any mobile device so their content is always available when they start using their device. The service also offers file sharing and collaboration management features that lets users keep their files in sync with any client, coworker, or team member. Of course, once you’re hooked and are quickly approaching that 5GB limit, upgrade options are available at a fee.
Honestly, without an applicable Levono product, anybody interested can visit the SugarSync website and sign up for a free 5GB account right now that can do most if not all of the features outlined by the Levono product. But it does speak to how major brands are starting to react to how the small business owner and consumers are embracing the cloud in a major way. As a result, companies like Levono are making sure it stays ahead of the curve and instead of re-inventing the wheel (which is something I wholeheartedly despise), partnering up with companies like SugarSync who is well-versed in the cloud game to create a product that offers customers something that’s in demand and at the same time, expand its product (and revenue) base.