Frequent flyers and road warriors already have a lot of the essentials, like a light, portable laptop and most likely a tablet. But they can’t have everything, so here are a few great ideas for gadgets and accessories to make a traveler happy.

Brookstone HDMI Pocket Projector: $299.99
This projector is super light, portable, and rechargable, and can run for up to two hours off a single charge. Since it’s USB, you can also use it as an emergency battery for your phone. It’s high resolution HDMI and has 85 lumens, and it looks good even when it’s not completely dark. Great for giving presentations in a conference room or just watching episodes of TV in a hotel room. $299 from Brookstone.

MiFi Liberate: $49.99
This is the first touchscreen wireless hotspot (we’ve talked about it more here). What’s great about a hotspot is that it can get a traveler a better Internet connection to get work done faster in tons of places, like train stations and airports. Just make sure that the hotspot you get is compatible with the recipient’s wireless provider. The Liberate is $49.99 from AT&T.

SOL Republic Tracks Headphones: $99
A pair of noise-canceling headphones is a must when you travel a lot: even if you aren’t listening to music or watching video, you can use them just to block out noise to take a nap! A lot of over-ear headphones are expensive, but these from SOL Republic are a good price for the quality, in either black, red or white. If you want to read more about our thoughts, here’s an article from our archives. Otherwise, check them out at the SOL Republic site.

3 Fl Ozs: from $8
In case you have forgotten, 3 fluid ounces is the maximum amount of liquid allowed on airplanes by the TSA. Enter They sell beauty products (for men and women) in small sizes that are under…yes, 3 fluid ounces. That means they’re all TSA-approved and perfect for a busy business traveler (or someone who loves to try new beauty products, or both). Prices for individual products start around $8, with kits costing more. The “jetlag kit,” for example, is $94.

Evernote Smart Moleskine Notebook
Moleskine are great, and we love Evernote around here, and they’ve teemed up for this awesome “smart notebook.” It’s specially ruled so you can take a photo of your notes to easily archive, tag and search them later for maximum productivity. The notebook costs $24.95, and includes 3 free months of Evernote Premium.

Yogaglo Subscription
One of the big complaints travelers have is that it can be a pretty unhealthy lifestyle. Yogaglo might help! It’s a video subscription service of lots of kinds of yoga and meditation videos. Since it’s streaming, you can take it anywhere, and the quality and selection is worth the subscription fee. Not for everyone, but a really thoughtful gift for the right person. $18/month at