If your smartphone dies tomorrow, or your hard drive fails, what will happen to all of your precious photos?
If you’re lucky, you’ve backed them up to an external hard drive or to the cloud, and you can recover them easily. But what if you’re like most people and you don’t have a back-up?
Entrepreneur Samuel Agboola is currently Kickstarting his new app, called Flag, which should solve this problem by letting you get museum-quality prints of up to 20 photos a month for free, including shipping.
How the heck will that work? Samuel’s solution to keep his business profitable is pretty clever, actually. Check out the video to learn more.
The innovation Agboola came up with is so simple, you’ll wish you thought of it first: he’s printing ads on the backs on the photos his company sends out. By charging for these ads, he’s able to make enough money to print and send you those photos, as well as make a little profit himself.
While ads on the front of your photos would be terrible, ads on the back are a good comprise. Photo printing can otherwise be expensive, just check out the cost comparison if you tried to buy 20 photo prints a month from other printing services:
Yikes, that’s definitely too much for most consumers. But real printed photos are such a great way to own, share, and back-up all of your best snapshots! Plus, you’ll finally be able to give our your smartphone photos to those pesky friends and family members who aren’t on Facebook or Instagram!
The Flag app’s Kickstarter closes in a week, but as of today they’re on target to meat their $100,000 goal. As an incentive for backing them, you’ll get beta access to the app before it officially launches to the public, as well as in-app credit you can spend on postcards or nifty borders for your photos.