It’s Not Complicated—Moms are the best. So why not send her an e-card and win her a Facebook Phone?

Site sponsor AT&T has got a great new campaign going for Moms. It all starts with their new Mother’s Day commercial, which you can watch above. And come on, who doesn’t love these AT&T commercials with the goofy little kids. So this year, AT&T is making it simple to send Mom a fun e-card. Simply head over to and send Mom a personalized version of the commercial. Go on, I’ll wait, your Mom will love it. And then keep reading to find out how to win her a top-of-the-line smartphone! Read More

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas that use latest tech and cost less than $100!

Okay, so it’s the last minute but you want to get Mom something great for Mother’s Day. Wouldn’t it be cool if that gift also included some of the latest and greatest tech and didn’t break the bank? Here are five gift ideas for Mom that you can still buy and the best part is they all cost less than $100!

Click And Grow, available at – starts at $79.00

Your mom may not have a green thumb, but that shouldn’t keep her from growing fun vegetable and herbs like tomatoes, chili peppers, and basil! The Click and Grow system uses a really cool technology takes a smart flower pot powered by batteries and features a water pump, sensors, and combines it with plant cartridges that contain not only the seeds and nutrients they need to go, but the software to power the system! In just a few weeks, Mom will be growing plants no matter how green her thumb! Read More