If you’re a small business owner and don’t have some sort of backup practice in place, I will personally come to your office…and shake you. Then I would promptly direct you to this post where I am going to school you on the Carbonite Pro online backup software.
You can’t afford to lose data. Just because you’re really particular about how you save/store files, doesn’t mean you’re safe from circumstances outside of your control. But you need some crazy “Top-Secret” backup operation that includes an armored truck backup up to your office door either! Carbonite Pro is the simple solution that will get your files backed up online and give you access to your files anytime, whether you are at your desk or on the go.
Here are some of the features of Carbonite Pro:
Easy to install
Your entire office can be up and running with no headaches and no time lost.
Easy to integrate
No expensive hardware required; plus, it works alongside any existing server backup without a hitch.
Easy on your staff
Very little training (and no technical background) required.
Easy to manage
Automatically lets you know if something’s amiss.
Easy recovery
Just a few clicks on any computer connected to the Internet and you’re on your way to recovering the files you need
The cool thing about Carbonite Pro is the fact that you are not tied to your desktop or laptop computer if you want access to your files. Downloading the free Carbonite iPhone app (iOS 3.0 and up) allows Carbonite customers to access the files in their backup—anywhere, anytime. Once the files on your computer have been backed up by Carbonite, you can view them directly on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
I really hope you don’t think your data that’s all housed on your laptop or even backed up at the office or burned to a DVD is bullet-proof. Do yourself a favor an add another layer of security by going “to the cloud” and trying out Carbonite Pro online backup solution for your small business…It’s free for the one month so you can try it out. Pricing for Carbonite Pro starts at $10 per month – unlimited users, and unlimited computers (Windows XP and up…No Mac or Linux). There is no contract and your plan can grow as your storage needs grow…up to 500GB for $250 per month…and beyond. Visit Carbonite Pro.com for more information.