New Apple Video Shows How Apps Are Changing the World

Apple’s latest video is a ten minute epic that showcases the role apps are playing in a rapidly changing information-driven world. Through the video you travel to Kenya to see the changing face of mobile-driven health care, witness what it takes to be an amazing Paralympic rowing champion in America, experience an app that is revitalizing language in tribal community in the Northwest Territories of Canada, and find out how smartphone and tablets apps are changing the way individuals afflicted with Autism communicate.

Less an add for any of Apple’s iPhone or iPad, this is about how the apps that run on those devices can actually change the world. For any aspiring app developers out there, this is a must-watch.

Don’t Count Nintendo Out Quite Yet: Tons of New Wii U Games Shown Off at E3

Rounding out my coverage of the three major console manufacturers showing off their latest goods at E3 in Los Angeles this week comes Nintendo. Since their latest console, the Wii U, came out last holiday season, Nintendo did not have nearly as much to show off, and far less at stake, than the rivals Microsoft and Sony. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a lot to be excited about when it comes to the Wii U.

Nintendo’s family-friendly brand showed through strong at E3 this year, with colorful new titles in the Pokemon, Mario, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Zelda, Wii Party, and Smash Bros. series all being shown off. While it’s easy to argue that we’re seeing little new innovation here (there are significant new franchises being created for both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One), these are established franchises with huge fan-bases who are eager to get exciting new HD upgrades to the games and characters they love.

These titles stand in stark contrast to the family-unfriendly games Microsoft highlighted for the Xbox One, and the more mixed-bag of games coming up for the PlayStation 4. For families with younger children, there is no question—the Wii U is still the next-gen console for you. Read More

The Sony PlayStation 4: Everything You Need To Know

One of the developers interviewed in the video that appeared before the Sony PlayStation 4 press event at E3 this year said, and I’m paraphrasing here, that what Sony is looking to do isn’t necessarily about hardcore players in a clan but people sharing and creating together.

In contrast to the Xbox One event, which seemed at best to be a rehashing of the same old Xbox titles aimed at teenage boys and young adults who are interested in only the most violent of games, Sony attempted to set the stage for a more family-friendly press event. How did that pan out? Read on to find out. Read More

Parents Need to Be Concerned About the Xbox One, coming in November for $499

For any parents watching Microsoft’s Xbox One press event at E3 today, there was a lot to be concerned about. Not just about the console itself, which promises to usher in a new era of socially connected home and entertainment, or even the price, which is an increase across the board, but in the continued focus by Microsoft on the ultra-violent games that will be the flagship titles for the new console.

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Grow and Monetize Your Personal Brand – Mario Armstrong at Brand Camp U

On May 20th, 2013, speaking at Brand Camp University in New York City, Digital Lifestyle Expert™ Mario Armstrong talked to the audience about his personal journey from being laid-off to creating his own company, growing his business and brand, and how he got to a point where he was managing a team of 6 and regularly appearing on TV and Radio nationwide. Mario discusses what it takes to build a personal brand, and offers his best ideas on how to monetize a personal brand.

It’s Not Complicated—Moms are the best. So why not send her an e-card and win her a Facebook Phone?

Site sponsor AT&T has got a great new campaign going for Moms. It all starts with their new Mother’s Day commercial, which you can watch above. And come on, who doesn’t love these AT&T commercials with the goofy little kids. So this year, AT&T is making it simple to send Mom a fun e-card. Simply head over to and send Mom a personalized version of the commercial. Go on, I’ll wait, your Mom will love it. And then keep reading to find out how to win her a top-of-the-line smartphone! Read More

Strange Science: Clocks Speeding Up in Oregon

GE Electric Clock. Photo by alexkerhead.

This isn’t exactly our usual fare here, but while browsing the web doing research on the latest tech for Mario today I found this weird bit of science on the web today and just had to share. File this under “what the heck!?”

Clocks in Oakridge, Oregon have been speeding up for the past week and scientists with the Army Corp of Engineers have just figured out why. It turns out that if the electricity coming in to your home from the grid is cycling just ever so slightly faster (in this case, 60.2hz vs. the normal 60hz), every electric clock you own will start ticking away too fast! Check it out:

“Last week, my alarm clock was 15 minutes fast,” Oakridge School District Superintendent Don Kordosky said. “I told my wife, ‘Why did you change my alarm?’ ”

Time has speeded up in Oakridge because of a switch in the city’s power source, said Dave Davanzo, spokesman for Lane Electric Cooperative. The rural electric company delivers power to Oakridge from the Lookout Point Dam near Lowell on Highway 58. But Bonneville Power Administration needed to conduct maintenance on the dam, so Lane Electric started distributing power from Hills Creek Dam southeast of Oakridge about a week ago.

The problem is rooted in what are called “digital governors” that control the amount of hydropower units that produce electricity… The digital governors are programmed to run in cycles of 60. The governors at the Hills Creek Dam currently run in cycles of about 60.2, Clemans said, which makes the clocks run faster.

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Get a great deal on Parallels Desktop and 8 Other Mac Apps in the SuperBundle

One new software trend that’s been taking the Internet by storm as of late is something that massively benefits both consumers and software producers—bundles. By bundling together different software packages and offering them at a steep discount, often far more copies of programs can be sold at much, much lower prices than consumers would otherwise have to pay.

Take Nova Development’s new spring Mac SuperBundle. They’re offering the latest version of Parallels Desktop, an excellent virtualization software that lets you run an entire Windows Vista, 7 or 8 instance inside your Mac, without having to reboot your computer! For those who need to run the occasional Windows app but don’t want or need the full Windows experience, Parallels Desktop is the perfect solution. While the software usually retails for $79 alone, the SuperBundle gives you a copy of Parallels for just $49, while also bundling some other interesting apps that may be of use to your business. While I’ve used Parallels extensively and can definitely vouch for it, I’ve had much less experience with some of the other software below, though I will share some thoughts on why it helps to make the whole thing a great deal: Read More

Which of Lunatik’s Styluses is the Best? A Look at the Touch Pen, Alloy, and the Chubby

Tablet’s are awesome devices, but one thing that can really take your tablet experience to the next level is a great stylus. Whether you’re marking up documents for review, taking notes at a meeting, or even just doodling away in Draw Something. If you’ve ever seen Mario on TV, then you’ve probably seen him rocking a Lunatik iPod Nano Watch (see image, right). While Lunatik first jumped onto the scene with their awesome watch bands, they’ve since expanded their product line significantly, with several iPhone cases and tablet styluses now available.

They were kind enough to send us a review sample of all three styluses they make, so today I’m going to tell you which of the three I’d recommend. Read More

Targus Announces New Line of Cases Specifically for Galaxy S4, Note 8 Owners

This morning Targus announced a new line of smartphone cases specifically designed for the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the Note 8 devices. Considering the S4 just launched last week, that was pretty fast!

Describing the cases as “sleek” and “sexy” this new line of cases promises to show off a “modern, yet sophisticated style” according to Melissa Chapman, VP of Tablet and Phone products for Targus. As you can see in the images to the right, these are definitely not your Dad’s oversized, dorky cases—the “Midnight Collection” offers laser cut textures, metallic finishes, and a selection of colors include Noir/Black, Pool Blue, and Crimson (shown).

These definitely won’t break the bank either—the S4 cases range in MSRP from $19.99 to $24.99 and will be available later this month. A Galaxy Note 8 case is also coming to the Midnight Collection, featuring a soft-touch lining to protect your device as well as a built-in kickstand. That will be hitting stores in June with an MSRP of $29.99.

For those looking for even more cases, Targus will be adding to the line throughout the year, adding additional phones and tablets throughout the year.